Samuel - A Journey of Discovery (Pt. III - Unto All Nations)
Like the other two parts of this triligy, Samuel in this episode comes from a well-to-do Islamic family. His disconnected relationship with his father and disillusionment with the rituals of his every day life lead him to his own journey of discover. All three films are based on Samuel, the profit of OldTestament scripture.
Like the other two parts of this triligy, Samuel in this episode comes from a well-to-do Islamic family. His disconnected relationship with his father and disillusionment with the rituals of his every day life lead him to his own journey of discover. All three films are based on Samuel, the profit of OldTestament scripture.
Seeing the Real Object
Seeing the Real Object was born from an exercise we used to do in Tad Danielewski's Professional Acting Workshop at BYU in the early 1980's. Tad was a director and acting coach who worked wit many actors well known actors including MArtin Sheen, Elia Kazan and Ralph Waite. The film only drws on the title of the exercise Tad taught, but the lesson remains the same. To be aware of the world around yo where dramatically created or real and aware of the objects that we too often misss in our hurried lives.
Seeing the Real Object was born from an exercise we used to do in Tad Danielewski's Professional Acting Workshop at BYU in the early 1980's. Tad was a director and acting coach who worked wit many actors well known actors including MArtin Sheen, Elia Kazan and Ralph Waite. The film only drws on the title of the exercise Tad taught, but the lesson remains the same. To be aware of the world around yo where dramatically created or real and aware of the objects that we too often misss in our hurried lives.
Samuel - A Journey of Discovery (Pt. I - Called of God)
Throughout time the Lord's anoited have been called from the least likely of character's ... the story of Samuel, the boy profit in the Old Testament is one such example. Samuel, A Journey of Dicovery is the retelling of that story in modern times with three equally unlikely modern-day boys who all come to their own discovery of a Gid's place in their lives.
Samuel - A Journey of Discovery (Pt. II - Hijo de Dios)
This is a rough cut scene from our short film trilogy "Samuel a Journey of Discovery." The Samuel trilogy explores the same story from three different cultural, socio-economic and ethnic prospectives. It is the journey of each boy to discover his own understanding of truth. In this scene a young Hispanic Samuel has been lead to seek God. He and his older brother, Beto have been estranged since Beto became involved in the local gangs. Beto has just rescued Sam from an encounter with older gang members, Sam challenges Beto. The Samuel trilogy is concluding post-production and will soon play film festivals nationally. For more information on Samuel and the production process check out the Samuel blog on this website.
Michael and Klint Have Issues
In a stroke of total insanity we double cast Samuel for Samuel Pt I - "Called of God." Klint was one of the two boys chosen to play Samuel. Klint's performance was not used for the festival version of "Samuel "although it will eventually be made available through this website. Later we asked Klint to make a comic promo for the Samuel trilogy that played on his cut performance in the film. This is the blooper reel from the promo. But while called a blooper reel, Klint is so funny in his natural state that this is a stand alone piece in its own right. It cracks me up every time I see it. Hope you enjoy it too.
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